

2024/2025 Committee

Revesby Workers’ LAC has a committed team of volunteers who give up their time to ensure the smooth running of the centre. This committee is made up of parents of current and past athletes as well as members of the community.

President Erin Austin
Vice President Stuart McGraw
Secretary Jackie Bottrill
Treasurer Carolyn Poole
Registrar Siobhan Mackenzie

Glynis Warner

Publicity Officer Stuart McGraw
RWC Liaison Director Christine Butters
Championships Officer Belinda Delacour-Batch
Uniform Officer Belinda Delacour-Batch
Records and Ranking Officer Bree McGraw
Equipment Officer Mitchell Wise
Coaching Officer Peter Bottrill
Canteen Manager Rebecca Taylor
General Committee Chris Batch

Sara Brennan

Luke Glas

Carmel Hanna

Bao Ho

Carissa Sharpe

Bridie Treloar

Maria Xafellis